Thursday, July 28, 2005

Now and (Someday) Then

Okay, so this is one of the two which are these. These are the new wheels on the front of my chair. They remind me of a Paul Bunyan story. The cook was making pancakes for Mr.Bunyan. Him being a giant, the griddle was giant. The cook strapped a very large slab of butter to each of his two feet. He ice skated back and forth across the griddle to ready it for pancake batter.

Well, every time I move my chair since I got new bearings, stem bolts, and these sweet new wheels- I think I feel like that cook felt when he greased that pan.

Mount Washington, route 16, see you each soon.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Soon I hope

Okay, so I wanted to put this image on the sidebar of just the 'Kinetics' page but it didn't happen and I'm using it as a post instead.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Mount Washington assessment

Philly Art Museum steps